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2010-04-29 14:53:38|  分类: 口语培训 |  标签: |举报 |字号 订阅

  下载LOFTER 我的照片书  |


      Hello. *一天中常用的寒暄用语。

Hi! *Hello随便,用于比较熟悉的人,男女都可以用。

      A)Hello, Mr. Smith. (史密斯先生,您好!)

      B)Oh, hi John. (嗨,约翰,你好!)  


      Good afternoon. *下午用寒暄用语。主要用于工作环境中。

      Good evening. 晚上好!


      How are you? 你好吗?  *最常用的问候方式。

      Pretty good. (非常好。)

      进来如何?How's it going?  /How're you doing? *语气较随便。

      Fine, thank you./I'm fine, thank you.    我很好,谢谢。

Nothing much./Nothing special.      老样子。


      Nice to meet you./Glad to meet you.  认识您我很高兴。*用于初次见面。.


      How's your family? 你的家人怎么样?

      Everyone's fine. (大家都很好。)


How's everything? /How's everything going?/How's it going?

      It's going pretty well. (一切很顺利。)

      Same as always. (和平常一样。)


      How's business? 工作怎么样?

      Not bad. 还可以。


      How did it go today? 今天怎么样? *用于会议或聚会等特别场合。

      So-so. (还凑合吧。)

      How was your day?

Oh, same as usual.  和往常一样。

      How was work today? (今天工作怎么样?)

      Oh, same as usual. (和往常一样。)


     为什么那么着急?  What's the hurry? /Why are you in a hurry?

      We're going to be late for the movie. (我们赶着去看电影呢。)

      你去哪儿?Where are you going? Where are you off to?


      What are you doing?  你干吗呢?

      I'm just killing time.    我只是在消磨时间。*kill time “消磨时间”、“打发时间”。

      I'm just hanging out. *hang out “什么都不做,无端地耗费时间”。


      How was work today? (今天工作怎么样?)

      Another day, another dollar. (和往常一样。)


    你来的正是时候You've come just in time. /You've come at the right time.


      There you are! *用于终于找到了要找的人时。

      There you are! (原来你在这儿啊!)

      Here you are.

      Found you!


      杰夫在吗? Is Jeff around?

      He was here a few minutes ago. (几分钟前他还在这儿来着。)

      你见到斯科特了吗? Have you seen Scott?

      No, not today. (没有,今天没看见他。)



I ran into him. *run into “没想到的,偶然的相遇”。

      I bumped into him.

      我跟他素不相识。 He's a stranger to me. *表示“以前从没见过面”。




      Goodbye. *分手时最常用的寒暄用语。

      Goodbye. Take care! (再见,保重啊!)

      Bye. *Goodbye的说法随便。

      Bye for now.

      Have a nice day. (祝你今天愉快!)

      See you later. (以后见!)


      See you./See you later./See you soon./See you again.

      See you around. *用于在同一座楼里,过会儿还有可能再见面时。



      I'm off now. *off “去,走开”。

      I'm leaving.

      See you.


      I have to go.

      Can't you stay a little longer? (再呆会儿吧!)


      祝你好运! Good luck!

      Thanks. I need it. (谢谢,借你吉言。)

      I wish you good luck.


      Have a nice day. *Goodbye的用法一样。

      Same to you. (也祝你愉快!)

      祝你周末愉快! Have a nice weekend.


      祝你玩得愉快。Have fun./Have a good time!


      就这样,坚持下去。 Keep it up.

      Thanks for the encouragement. (谢谢你的鼓励!)


      别干得太猛。Don't work too hard./Take care./Be careful.



      Have a nice trip. *对要去旅行的人说的话。

      I wish you a pleasant journey.

      Have a good vacation. (祝你假期愉快!)

      Bon voyage. *这是一句法语,现在英文中也用。



      I hate to run, but... *这句是结束谈话时的开场白。其语气为“虽然我不想走,但……”。



      It was nice meeting you. *只用于与初次见面的人分别时。其他情况下meet换成see

      It was nice meeting you, too. (我也很高兴见到你。)

      Nice meeting you.



      Please say hello to John (for me).


      晚安! Good night.


      再来啊! Come again.

      I will. (我会来的。)

      Please come again. (请您再来!)

      I hope you can come over again. (希望你能再来。)

      I'd be glad to have you over again. (如果你下次还能来的话我将很高兴。)

      希望不久能再见到你。I hope to see you again soon.


      给我打电话。 Call me later.

      Okay, I will. (嗯,好吧。)


      多保重! Take care.  “多加小心”的语气。

      Don't worry about me. (别担心我!)


      我还会来的。 I'll be back.

      You'd better. (一定来啊!)

      I'll come back later. (不久我就会回来的。)

      I'll stop by later. (我会顺便来的。)


      天不早了。It's getting late.

      Let's go home. (我们回家吧。)


      I have to go.






      Ms. Kane, this is Mr. Sato, my boss.

      Ms. Kane, this is my boss, Mr. Sato.

      Ms. Kane, I would like to introduce my boss, Mr. Sato (to you).

      Ms. Kane, let me introduce my boss, Mr. Sato (to you).


      Nice to meet you.

      Nice to meet you, too. (认识您我也很高兴。)

      Pleased to meet you.

      Pleased to meet you, too. *作为上面例句的回答。

      Very nice to meet you.

      Very nice to meet you, too. *作为上面例句的回答。

      How do you do? *Nice to meet you的说法稍显郑重。

      How do you do? *可以重复How do you do? 来作为上面例句的回答。

      It's a pleasure to meet you.

      I'm happy to meet you.


      Nice to meet you, too.



May I have your name, please?

      May I have your name, please? (您贵姓?)

      Who's calling, please? *只用于打电话。

      What's your name? (你叫什么名字?)

      My name's John. (我叫约翰。)



      I'd like you to meet a friend of mine.

      Hi, John. (!约翰,你好!)

      Hi, Joe. I'd like you to meet a friend of mine. (!琼,我给你介绍一下我的朋友。)



      I'm glad to meet you. /Glad to meet you.

      So am I. (我也很高兴。)

      I'm pleased to meet you. (能认识您,我很高兴。)

      Pleased to meet you, too. (能认识您,我也很高兴。)

      I'm really happy that I could meet you. (能认识您我觉得非常高兴。)

      Same here. (我也很高兴。)

      能认识您我感到非常荣幸。 It's an honor for me to meet you.

      I'm Harrison Ford. (我是哈里森?福特。)

      It's an honor for me to meet you. (能认识您我感到非常荣幸。)


      请叫我…… Please call me...

      Nice to meet you, Mr. Smith. (史密斯先生,很高兴认识您。)

      Please call me John. (请叫我约翰。)



      Don't I know you from somewhere?

      No, I don't think so. (不,我想没见过。)

      Haven't we met somewhere (before)?

      You look familiar. (你看上去很面熟。)

      想起来了吗? Remember?


      Do you know that man? (你认识那个男人?)

      He's my father. Remember? (他是我父亲,想起来了吗?)

      Don't you remember? (你不记得了?)

      !对了,你是史密斯先生。 Oh, yeah, you're Mr. Smith!

      Oh, yeah, I do know you. (哦,是的,我认识你。)

      I know you, but I forgot your name. (我认识你,可是我忘了你叫什么。)

      我不敢肯定,也许在哪儿见过。  I'm not sure. Maybe.

      It's possible. (我不肯定,可能吧?)

      What's your name again? (你叫什么来着?)

      不,我想不是这样的。  No, I don't think so./No, I'm afraid not.    

 这是我们第一次见面。 This is the first time we have met.

      Have you two met? (你们俩人见过?)

      No, this is the first time we have met. (没见过,这是我们第一次见面。)

      We've never met before. (我们以前从来没见过。)


      鲍勃是你的老朋友吗? Is Bob an old friend of yours?

      Yes, I met him twenty years ago in America. (是的,我是20年前在美国认识他的。)


      我想不起来他叫什么名字了。  I can't remember his name.

      Neither can I. (我也想不起来了。)

      I can't recall his name.

His name escapes me.



      I leave it entirely to your kind consideration. *consideration “体贴、照顾”。

      I'll leave it up to you. 直译是“(工作或决定等)全都靠你了”。

      Please consider it. *considerthink about,即“考虑”、“细想”。

      I'd appreciate it if you could consider it.


      I'm John Sheehan.

      My name's John Sheehan.



Bonjour (白天)好Bon matin 早上好  Bon après-midi 下午好 Bonsoir 晚上好

Bonne nuit 晚安Salut你好/再见(朋友之间)Ca va bien, et toi ? 挺好, 你呢?

-Comment allez-vous? 您身体好吗?-Très bien , merci ! Et vous ? 很好,谢谢!您呢?Moi aussi .我也很好。-Comment ça va?-ça va bienmerci .

J'ai du mal à parler le fran?ais ! 我讲法语有困难


Au revoir 再见  A demain 明天见  A bientot 一会见  A tout à lheure 一会见 

Il se fait tard. 不早了Je vous laisse maintenant. 我先走了.

A ce soir. 晚上见A demain. 明天见

A tout à l'heure.一会见 A bient?t. 一会见

Bon week-end ! 周末愉快!

Bonne santé ! 祝你身体健康! Bon travail ! 祝你工作顺利!

Bon appétit ! 祝你胃口好! Bonne chance ! 祝你好运!


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